Personal branding for greater impact with Kym Hamer
Personal branding for greater impact with Kym Hamer

Your brand exists in the world of others - is yours doing any good? One of my May highlights was the invitation to lead a conversation on personal branding for greater impact with MarketingKind, a community of marketers (from a wide range of backgrounds) with a desire to use their professional capabilities to create a better world. We hear a lot about such ambitions in the world today - the worthwhile, the important, the inspiring. But playing our part effectively, both individually and collectively? Not so easy.... What's often missing are stepping stones - ones that form an accessible and actionable path to fulfilling the vision. And that takes intention. So my intention in this session was to have us explore this question: How intentional are you really being about aligning how you show up with the impact you want to create? We all have our part to play in tackling some of the biggest issues in society today - climate change, social isolation and poverty, to name a few. If you're saying that you want to change more lives for the better, is your personal brand really doing the good it could?

Kym Hamer
Posted By Kym Hamer Jun 2, 2023

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Personal branding for greater impact with Kym Hamer